Vegetables & Sustainable
Can I use manures to fertilize my garden?
If you use manure, apply it several weeks or even months before planting and work it well into the soil. This allows adequate time for the manure to decompose and some of the manure salts to leach from the surface soil before seeding or transplanting. Avoid allowing any manures to contact the edible portion of the vegetable, unless it has been completely composted. Do not use manures from household pets. These can contain parasites that affect people. Add approximately 1 pound of dry steer or dairy manure per square foot of soil surface. If you use poultry manure, apply it more sparingly since it is higher in nitrogen concentration. (1 pound to 4-5 sq. ft. of square feet). If you use manure that contains litter (straw, shavings, sawdust or similar materials), also apply nitrogen fertilizers to avoid tying up nitrogen already present in the soil as well as that being added as manure.
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