Viticultural Information
Selma Pete
Species: Vitis vinifera Selma Pete was released by the USDA Agriculture Research Service in 2001 as an early ripening raisin variety suitable for DOV (dry-on-vine) with cane cutting. It resulted from the cross C66-144 X DOVine. C66-144 seeded =[B36-27 (Blackrose x 43-13N) X P54-3 =(C64-80 x Fresno Seedless)] X DOVine =[P79-101 x Fresno Seedless]. ‘Selma Pete’ is a very early-ripening white seedless grape, which usually ripens with a soluble solids content of 21 oBrix or higher during the first week in August, or one week before ‘DOVine’, two weeks before ‘Fiesta’, and three or more weeks before ‘Thompson Seedless’. It can either be tray-dried or dried on the vine (DOV) with cane cutting for mechanical harvest. It is well suited to expansive DOV trellising such as overhead arbor or gable systems due to its vigorous growth and good fruiting cane development. Vine canopy development is not as dense as Fiesta or ‘DOVine’ due to weaker lateral shoot development, more similar to Thompson Seedless. Bud fruitfulness characteristics are similar to ‘Thompson Seedless’ and ‘Fiesta’. Cane internodes are longer than those of ‘Fiesta’. Therefore, ‘Selma Pete’ canes must be left longer in order to achieve the same node numbers per vine. The clusters are medium size (0.75 to 1.0 pounds) conical and well filled. The berries average 2 grams fresh weight, which is slightly larger than ‘Thompson Seedless’, which averages 1.8 grams. Raisin quality is better than both ‘Thompson Seedless’ and ‘Fiesta’, typically averaging over 90% B or better. ‘Selma Pete’ DOV raisins will often attain 95-100% B or better grades. The grapes tend to dry faster after cane cutting and attain a darker color than other raisin varieties. Raisin yields have been excellent on open gable and overhead arbor systems, typically ranging between 3.5 and 5.5 tons per acre. New vineyards grafted onto a resistant rootstock such as ‘Freedom’ have performed well, especially on these two more expansive trellises. Vines grafted onto older ‘Thompson Seedless’ vineyards may develop potassium deficiency. The presence of ‘shot berries’ due to zinc deficiency can be a problem with ‘Selma Pete’. Pre-bloom and bloom foliar sprays with zinc can minimize the symptoms.
Foundation Plant Services at UC Davis is the source of Foundation grapevine material for the nursery industry, and the staff can provide information about possible sources for obtaining this stock. The National Grape Registry (NGR) contains information about varieties of wine, juice, and table grapes, raisins, and grape rootstocks available in the United States. Growers, nurseries, winemakers and researchers can find background information and source contacts for those grape varieties in this single convenient location.
Christensen, L.P. 2000. Raisin Grape Varieties (PDF). Pages 38-48 in: Raisin Production Manual. University of California, Agricultural and Natural Resources Publication 3393, Oakland, CA. Buy book
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